101. Tiede, Tom, with Jack Findleton. The great whale rescue. New York: Pharos Books, [1986].

$20 - Add to Cart

First edition, 8vo, pp. 151, [5]; map endpapers, fine copy in a fine, clipped dust jacket. Humphrey the humpback whale enters the Sacramento River and is helped back to the ocean by humans.

102. Tomilin, A. G. . История слепого кашалота / Istoriya slepogo kashalota [= History of the blind sperm whale]. Moscow: Nauka, 1965.

$40 - Add to Cart

8vo, pp. 189, [3]; text in Russian, text illustrations, two color plates; pictorial paper wrappers; wrappers rubbed, bookplate of James Mead, Curator Emeritus of Marine Mammals at the Smithsonian, inside front wrap; text clean and sound, very good.

We can't say what a blind sperm whale is beyond its literal meaning. The book is filled with pictures of dolphins, porpoises, baleen whales, killer whales, giant squid, narwhals, even a shark. There is one single illustration of a sperm whale and its jaw.

Presentation copy

103. Tomilin, A. G. В мире китов и дельфинов / V mire kitov i delfinov [= The world of whales and dolphins]. Moscow: Znanie, 1974.

$60 - Add to Cart

First edition, 8vo, pp. 205, [3]; text in Russian, text illustrations throughout, some in color; pictorial printed boards; boards toned, spine worn at ends; gift inscription from Tomilin to Robert L. Brownell, and a subsequent presentation from Brownell to James Mead, with James Mead's bookplate on pastedown, very good. Mead is Curator Emeritus of Marine Mammals at the Smithsonian.

Presentation copy

104. Tomilin, A. G. Снова в воду / Snova v vodu [= Back to the water]. Moscow: Znanie, 1984.

$75 - Add to Cart

8vo, pp. 190, [2]; text in Russian, 58 illustrations, primarily from photographs, on rectos and versos of 16 plates; pictorial blue boards backed in creme cloth; text a little cocked and soiled, pages toned, very good, with an inscription from the author to James Mead and Mead's bookplate on upper pastedown. Mead is Curator Emeritus of Marine Mammals at the Smithsonian.

University of Toronto, LOC, and Dalhouse University in OCLC.

105. Tomilin, A. G. Mammals of the U.S.S.R. and adjacent countries. Volume IX. Cetacea ... Translated from the Russian. Jerusalem: Israel Program for Scientific Translations, 1967.

$250 - Add to Cart

First edition in English, 8vo, pp. xxi, [1], 717, [1]; 196 tables and nearly 150 illustrations in the text; fine copy in original pumpkin cloth stamped in gilt on spine, and in a very good dust jacket. Bookplate and ownership signature of James Mead, Curator Emeritus of Marine Mammals at the Smithsonian.

106. True, Frederick W. Smithsonian contributions to Knowledge Vol. XXXIII: The whalebone whales of the western North Atlantic compared with those occurring in European waters with some observations on the species of the North Pacific. Washington, D.C.: published by the Smithsonian Institution, 1904.

$150 - Add to Cart

Large 4to, pp. [12], vii, [1], 332; 50 plates showing 188 illustrations bound in at the back; contemporary blue buckram, red leather label on spine lettered in gilt; cloth along the rear joint cracking, the front joint neatly reinforced; all else very good and sound. Bookplate of James Mead, Curator Emeritus of Marine Mammals at the Smithsonian.

107. Tucker, George F. The boy whaleman ... With illustrations in color by George Avison. Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1924.

$25 - Add to Cart

First edition, 8vo, pp. [8], 283, [1]; pictorial endpapers, 5 color plates; very good copy in original black cloth, color pictorial pastedown on upper cover, spine lettered in gilt. In the publisher's Beacon Hill Bookshelf series.

108. Uekusa, Yasuhiro, Hiroto Ichishima, Haruka Ito, & Keiichi Ueda. Osteology of Whales / 鯨類の骨学. [Tokyo: Midori Shobo Co., Ltd., 2019].

$125 - Add to Cart

First edition, large 8vo, pp. 151, [1]; text in Japanese; illustrated throughout; original pictorial wrappers in pictorial dust jacket; bookplate of James Mead, Curator Emeritus of Marine Mammals at the Smithsonian on inner cover; fine.

OCLC notes the NOAA, Princeton, Smithsonian, and LC copies only.

109. Van Der Does, Willem. Storms, ice and whales. The Antarctic adventures of a Dutch artist on a Norwegian whaler. Translated by Ruth van Baak Griffioen. Grand Rapids, Michican / Cambridge, U.K.: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, [2003].

$20 - Add to Cart

First edition in English, 8vo, pp.xxiii, [1], 391, [1]; illustrated with drawings by the author throughout; fine copy in the dust jacket.

First published in 1934 by the Board of Representatives and Diurectors in the Dutch East Indies as Storm, Ijs, en Walvisschen.

110. Venables, Bernard. Baleia! Baleia! Whale hunters of the Azores. New York: Knopf, 1969.

$30 - Add to Cart

First American edition, 8vo, pp. x, [2], 204, [4]; map, 24 illus. on rectos and versos of 16 plates, illus. in text; fine copy in the dust-jacket, except for a short tear in the top margin of the half-title.

Presentation copy

111. Vladykov, Vadim D. Chasse, biologie et valeur économique du marsouin blanc ou béluga (D̲e̲l̲p̲h̲i̲n̲a̲p̲t̲e̲r̲u̲s̲ l̲e̲u̲c̲a̲s̲) du fleuve et du golfe Saint-Laurent. Québec: Départment des Pêcherie, 1944.

$100 - Add to Cart

8vo, pp. 194; 4 folding maps, tables, graphs, illustrations in the text, 1 in color; original pictorial wrappers; some wear and soiling; very good. Bookplate of James Mead, Curator Emeritus of Marine Mammals at the Smithsonian, and his ownership signature on the upper wrapper. Issued as no. 3 in the Études sur les Mammifères Aquatiques series

This copy inscribed by the author to "Dr. J. C. Moore with the author's compliments, V. D. Vladykov." Also, with his name in ink on upper wrapper.

112. Whipple, A. B. C. Yankee whalers in the South Seas ... Illustrated by R. M. Powers. Garden City: Doubleday & Company, Inc., [1954].

$15 - Add to Cart

First edition, 8vo, pp. 304; map endpapers, text illustrations; publisher's gray cloth, pictorial dust jacket; dust jacket with a couple shallow chips and a small stain to the back panel fold.

Whaling lore from the golden age of American whaling in the Pacific.

113. Wise, Terence. To catch a whale. [London etc]: Geoffrey Bles Publishers, [1970].

$20 - Add to Cart

First edition, 8vo, pp. 190; 20 plates; publisher's blue cloth, gilt title on spine, blue speckled top edge; textblock starting to tone, else fine in a chipped dust jacket with label abrasion on upper panel.

Presentation copy

114. Yablikov, A. V., and V. M. Belkovich, V. I. Borisov, eds. Киты и дельфины. Монографическии очерк / Kiti i delfini. Monograficheskii ocherk [= Whales and dolphins. Monographic essay]. Moscow: Nauka, 1972.

$75 - Add to Cart

8vo, pp. 471, [1]; text in Russian, addenda slip laid in; text illustrations; full blue cloth in pictorial dust jacket; rippling in textblock, likely from damping, dampstain on corner of dust jacket, good and sound, or better. With a presentation inscription from A. V. Yablikov dated Washington, D.C. 2001 to James Mead, Curator Emeritus of Marine Mammals at the Smithsonian, on the title page, and Mead's bookplate on the front pastedown.

Linda Hall Library only in OCLC

115. Yabuichi, Masayuki. 海にすむ動物たち / Umi ni sumu doubutsu tachi [=Animals that live in the sea]. Tokyo: Iwasaki Shoten, 1994.

$40 - Add to Cart

4to, pp. 48; text in Japanese; color illustrations throughout; pictorial paper covered boards, in dust jacket; top edge of dust jacket toned, bookplate of James Mead, Curator Emeritus of Marine Mammals at the Smithsonian, on free endpaper, English translation of the colophon taped to final leaf, very good.

Part two in the Mammals of Japan series. Yabuichi was a popular and prolific nature illustrator, working both for children's books and for adult reference.

116. Zemskii, V. A., ed. Киты южного полушария (биология и морфология) / Kity iuzhnogo polushariia (biologiia i morfologiia) [= Whales of the southern hemisphere]. Kaliningrad: Atlanticheskii nauchno-issledovatelskii Institut rybnogo khoziaistva i okeanografii, 1970.

$50 - Add to Cart

8vo, pp. 232, [4]; text illustrations, two folding charts; blue printed boards backed in creme cloth; light rubbing to boards, bookplate of James Mead, Curator Emeritus of Marine Mammals at the Smithsonian, on upper pastedown, near fine.

3 copies in OCLC: Smithsonian, Space and Naval Warfare Center, and U. of Rhode Island.

117. Zenkovich, B. A. Биология и промысел морских млекопитающих / Biologiia i promysel morskikh mlekopitaiushchikh [Biology and hunting of marine mammals]. Moscow: Pishchepromizdat, 1958.

$75 - Add to Cart

8vo, pp. 217, [3]; text in Russian, addenda tipped in, charts and maps in text; original green printed boards backed in green cloth; boards and spine toned, textblock clean and sound, bookplate of James Mead, Curator Emeritus of Marine Mammals at the Smithsonian; very good. Volume 33 of the Proceedings of the All-Union Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography (ВНИРО).

Five copies in OCLC